Escaping to Manchester
After quarreling with multiple people, making a shameful mistake, and basically feeling downright dumb, tonight, I need this blog to escape. I need to get away from my room, my house, the whole overpopulated country... yeah it's been a rough day. Tell you what, today I'm going to forget myself in the past. This post will be about my brilliant childhood in England. On the 6th of February 2002, five-year-old me and my mum first set foot in the sprawling city of Manchester. Even though most of my childhood memories are a little foggy, I remember that day clearly: it was pouring hailstones as big as my fist and the horrific sounds of them plummeting to Earth like stones terrified me to death. I was terribly afraid of being hit in the head. I can easily say that from the day of the hailstones till the day we left, my seven years in England shaped and transformed my whole life. Though, I have to admit... my transition as a five year old kid wasn't very smoot...