
Showing posts from August, 2017

Escaping to Manchester

After quarreling with multiple people, making a shameful mistake, and basically feeling downright dumb, tonight, I need this blog to escape. I need to get away from my room, my house, the whole overpopulated country... yeah it's been a rough day. Tell you what, today I'm going to forget myself in the past. This post will be about my brilliant childhood in England. On the 6th of February 2002, five-year-old me and my mum first set foot in the sprawling city of Manchester. Even though most of my childhood memories are a little foggy, I remember that day clearly: it was pouring hailstones as big as my fist and the horrific sounds of them plummeting to Earth like stones terrified me to death. I was terribly afraid of being hit in the head. I can easily say that from the day of the hailstones till the day we left, my seven years in England shaped and transformed my whole life.  Though, I have to admit... my transition as a five year old kid wasn't very smoot...

The Girl and The Boy

Once upon a time there was a shy, quiet girl who spent her breaks at school reading Twilight at her seat in the front row. She made two friends with whom she mostly discussed homework and occasionally gossip about a completely oblivious (back then that is) crush. The girl was happy in her own little world... but, anything ranging from the mention of a hangout, to simply eating lunch with her classmates at school terrified her. She was awkward, afraid, utterly self-conscious. She was a loner; a wallflower. She was an introvert. Then, one midsummer night, a boy walked into her life. She both knew him and did not - he was one of the many people in her class with a familiar face, a sort-of friend. He was as different from her as ice to a flame; whereas she lived in the quiet, dark shadows, he thrived in the midst of a chaotic flame. That night she found out he was leaving. How could she not know?? She had spent five years in the same class, in the same after-school tuition...

My Very Own Shrimp and Egg Noodle Recipe

I made noodles today! I've listed all the ingredients and steps below. Do give it a try...  Second to things like scrambled eggs and toast,  noodles are probably the most easiest thing to make on the planet. Ingredients: 1. One packet of straight noodles 2. Small prawns,  around 10-15 (or as you see fit) 3. One egg 4. Half cup of diced onions 5. Half cup of chopped tomatoes (2 in quantity should do) 6. One green chilli finely chopped 7. Half a tea spoon of red chilli powder (vary to taste) 8. Half a tea spoon of salt (vary to taste) 9. 4 teaspoons oil 10. Good quality ketchup 11. Chopped coriander **This time I experimented with my ones by adding a fistful of chopped spinach leaves. Even though they tasted heavenly, adding them isn't essential and is totally up to you. Procedure: Set a pot of water to heat on the stove. While you wait for it to boil,  add the oil to a pa  and set it to a gentle heat on the stove. Add the onio...

The Bones of Grace: Pre-Reading Book Review

Hello again! I'm feeling a little bored today so unfortunately, you're going to have to suffer through another dose of rambling (again). My apologies if I'm boring people's ears off. A few minutes ago, while I was musing with my brain in the search for something fun to do, I came up with this fascinating new concept: reviewing a book with respect to only its first page, blurb, cover, praise, author's description, literally anything in the book except for the rest of its pages! It's like judging a book by how well of a first impression it presents to readers. Today, we shall be taking a look at a new release called 'The Bones Of Grace' written by renowned Bengali author, Tahmima Anam. The cover The first impression we get from The Bones of Grace is its unique and original cover. It features an old rustic ship gracefully setting sailing with gray stormy clouds mirroring the steely sea. You're first clue it's Bangladesh? The child an...

Day 1 - Sarees and A's

The day began wonderfully. After a full 8 hours of sleep my eyes opened to the blinding rays of the midday sun... which meant not for the first time, I had slept in. A quick breakfast and many "move faster!" yells later, I stepped out of the house with my mother in tow, with only one thought in mind: shopping. I'm not a very careful spender. Unfortunately, being a legal adult has only resulted in promoting my abysmal saving sense. Anyway, today we went out to buy something special; for the first time I bought my very own sarees! A saree is a traditional form  of Bengali attire and is basically a very long stretch of colorful cloth that women use to wrap around their bodies. Paired with some simple jewelry, anyone can look regal in this beautiful dress. You can find many types of sarees and wear it in different ways as well . For the full talk on them just click on Youtube; you'll find plenty of tutorials there. Bought this today! Today I picked out a few br...

The First Post (Day After My Nineteenth Birthday)

I'll be honest with you. Time and time again I have tried to keep and maintain a journal, diary, notebook - you name it  - and it's never worked. I've opened Nerdette in the hopes that by writing to real people who can actually hear my thoughts, maybe this time, the habit will stick... and what better way to start than on the eve of my 19th birthday? Now, this blog is going to be a complete mess of my thoughts and what I've done all day. So, before I start rambling, there are a few things you should know about me: I love to read and write; I'm majoring in Computer Science from a university in Bangladesh (if this is the first time you've heard of it, try googling Bangladesh Tourism... ignore the poor country stuff, those site writers have it wrong); and finally, I have a best friend who'll be regularly popping up during posts. I believe, you'll get to know him pretty well soon. There's lots more to tell you (19 years is a pretty long time), but...